Thursday, June 18

La plus petite jardiniere (un premier coup d'oeil)

I'm getting ahead of myself, since I haven't finished the trips to Mont Ste-Odile or Domremy. But look at these flowers!

Alium, in the same family as garlic (l'ail).

Les pavots finis (finished poppies).

Pivoine! (Peonies!) This was after a day of rain (during which I trimmed roses and got drenched).

Philadelphius coriolanus (sp?).

Capucines! (Nasturtiums!) And a kind of oeillet to the right, along with iris leaves. This is what I did the first day--pulled out everything around the capucines so that they can grow out and flood the main walkway by the end of the summer.


jonquille jolie said...

oh la la la la ! le pivione ! je l'adore !

jonquille jolie said...

correction : 'la' (mais je ne sais pas si 'pivione' est le pluriel ou pas . . .)