Saturday, October 23


Favorite spellings : graguwashion, flecipl, spgte*
Favorite mispronunciations : The Googleheim Museum, pluhbeebeians, placific, foo**
Favorite place-name on Cape Cod : Squibnockett Road

When I was teaching the A.D./B.C. and Common Era/BCE systems, one girl started her sentence (in reference to the idea of 2000 BCE) with, "Back when people were being invented . . ."

While grading some timed math quizzes, I found that one student had done exceptionally well, even though he had been struggling the previous week. I was so happy that I started to write "Fanfuckingtastic!"--but caught myself before I had to break out the white-out.

I've made people cry three times; I'm now able to cause shame and quiet simply by glaring across the room.

On Friday, one student motioned me to his desk by saying, "Hey, Mom? . . . I mean, Miss Garcia?"

*Graduation, flexible, spaghetti.
**The Guggenheim Museum, plebeians, specific, four,

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