Looking north; Gallia, my dorm, is to the right (across 2 bridges) of this church.
Secretly violent swans paddle around and hiss at any feisty Yorkie who tries to get too close. And surprise, another church! This one is Protestant--you can tell by how clean and restrained it looks (hehe).
Place Benjamin Zix, in the area of the city known as "La Petite France"; wins the Emily Garcia Prize for Most Enjoyable Place Name to Say, as well as Prize for Name Which You Think You've Heard Before But Haven't ("Walter Benjamin? Benjamin Blix? Damnit!").
In La Petite France, at the medieval Ponts Couverts (bridges which are covered no longer, and haven't been for a long time). This is the southwestern edge of the city center, the little island in the middle of the Ill River which used to be fortified (hence the menacing towers).
This is what you see if you just turn to the right (from the above picture). My second favorite building in Strasbourg--this little white house is just perched there in the middle of the canal. The spire in the background is THE Strasbourg cathedral; beautiful and a useful navigating device, since you can see it from everywhere in the city.
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