Friday, January 30

Tomates (Tomatoes)

I think I had my first entire (and remembered) dream in French. This morning as I was planning out meals for the weekend, I wrote down “tomates” and thought, “Now who was I explaining that to?” I slowly remembered—in the dream I was holding a small tomato which had been cut in half, bright red like the ones from our garden, and was showing it to a woman who was standing next to something heaped with produce, but the tomatoes there were those too-big colorless ones that you use for who-knows-what. I was trying to explain to her what was different: that these tasted better, they were smaller and had better color, everything was packed into this little space, the seeds didn’t look as strange, they had been in the sun more, etc etc. The woman was skeptical of both my enthusiasm and the tomato.

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